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The NEW Insights Platform for Service Providers and Channel Partners

Service providers. Data. Customer experience. These are some of the things we’re most passionate about – and passionate about improving. After 12 years of owning and operating a successful service provider, we noticed some key gaps in the industry when it comes to using data and targeting customers—and we set out to address them. Over the past two years, we’ve applied our unique insight into the industry to develop and refine a one-of-a-kind platform to help service providers become smarter with their customer base by leveraging big data: We’re excited to introduce Cloud Optik.


Initially focusing on Broadsoft and Netsapiens platforms, Cloud Optik’s SmartProfile analyzes valuable data that has long been ignored by service providers to develop an understanding of current customers that is unprecedented in the industry. From license optimization to tailored features bundles, we’ve focused on customer education and data utilization to enable upsell/cross-sell opportunities. Cloud Optik’s SmartProfile allows service providers to see what features their customers are being sold and which ones they’re actually using. With the ability to track historical customer trends based on variables like industry and employee size, and enhancing customer loyalty by leveraging insights for more targeted feature training, SmartProfile is a vital tool for defining sales and marketing strategies that respond to distinct customer characteristics. From identifying customer location and device type to determining active features customers use, Cloud Optik cuts through the data to present a more comprehensive and multi-layered understanding of customers.


SmartProfile List

Just as Cloud Optik can help service providers better respond to their current customers, it also identifies specific customer targets. While many service providers use firmographic data to target potential customers, Cloud Optik’s SmartProfile List feature goes a level deeper. It lets service providers move beyond basic demographic and firmographic data to build their own prospect lists based on the selection of any number of different profile attributes, such as email platform providers (e.g., Exchange, GSuite, Microsoft 365) or fiber optic locations. There are literally hundreds of attributes to choose from. With such specific prospect lists, service providers can create a comprehensive view of their ideal customer—allowing them to build target sales and marketing campaigns around specific customer targets that are uniquely responsive to specific customer attributes.


SmartProfile Enrich

For service providers who may already have a customer or prospect list but are missing important details, Cloud Optik fills in the gaps. Cloud Optik’s SmartProfile Enrich feature appends missing information from lists of current and potential customers based on a set of profile attributes. Similar to the List feature, service providers can fill in demographic and firmographic data like industry, contacts, and revenue; or they can add layers of insight to their customer and prospect lists through more specialized attributes like email platform providers, fiber optic location opportunity, IT spending, or technologies used. Cloud Optik fills in the missing data so that service providers have the most comprehensive view of their customers as possible.

There’s a wealth of data that service providers are missing out on. By combining years of industry expertise with the power of big data, Cloud Optik is here to change that. Your data is talking. We’re listening.